Wednesday, December 19, 2007

And So It Begins...

Hello my name is CHRIS...and I LOVE crappy movies.

Ok, I don't LOVE them per say. More like loathe them with every fiber of my being. As someone who has been watching films voraciously since age six, I belive that a bad movie is waste of my time and money. Sweet jesus if I got every dollar I spent on movies like WILD WILD WEST, MAJOR PAYNE, and SCREAM 4 back, I'd be Bill fucking Gates!

But I must admit, bad movies are like car wrecks: You know it won't be pretty, yet you HAVE to look. Latley I become obssesed with these cinematic atrocities and thus have in my infinite wisdom, decide to share them with you. Basically, I watch them so you don't have to...

It is here on this blog that I'll be posting my reviews of some of the worst movies ever made.

"How bad could they be?" you ask. Well, ever heard of a little movie called FIRESTORM

Yeah, were talking THAT kind of bad.

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